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Reprezentati o companie care activeaza in domeniile marketing si publicitate, reprezentati un integrator de solutii IT&C sau sunteti consultant in aceste domenii? Beneficiati de avantajele acestui program de parteneriat pentru a putea propune solutia SMSLink clientilor dvs. (inclusiv white-label). Aflati mai multe
Solutii SMS personalizate
Aveti nevoie de o solutie pentru SMS marketing, campanii SMS, notificari SMS sau mobile advertising personalizata? Echipa noastra tehnica si comerciala va sta la dispozitie pentru a identifica specificatiile solutiei tehnice optime pentru atingerea tuturor obiectivelor propuse. Contactati-ne
Pentru a putea testa live exemplele de integrare SMS Gateway este necesar sa va creati un cont de utilizator in platforma SMSLink iar apoi in contul dvs. de utilizator sa definiti o conexiune pentru serviciul SMS Gateway.

* SMS Gateway (HTTP) integration with
* Supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols
* Supports PHP cURL GET, PHP cURL POST and file_get_contents()
* System Requirements:
* PHP 5 with
* CURL enabled or file_get_contents with allow_url_fopen to be set to 1 in php.ini
* Usage:
* See Usage Examples for the SMSLinkSMSGateway() class starting on line 354
* Get your SMSLink / SMS Gateway Connection ID and Password from
* @version 2.0
* @see
class SMSLinkSMSGateway
private $connection_id = null;
private $password = null;
private $doHTTPS = true;
private $requestMethod = 1;
protected $endpointHTTP = "";
protected $endpointHTTPS = "";
public $communicationLogs = array();
* Initialize SMSLink - SMS Gateway
* Initializing SMS Gateway will require the parameters $connection_id and $password. $connection_id and $password can be generated at
* after authenticated with your account credentials.
* @param string $connection_id SMSLink - SMS Gateway - Connection ID
* @param string $password SMSLink - SMS Gateway - Password
* @return void
public function __construct($connection_id, $password)
if (!is_null($connection_id))
$this->connection_id = $connection_id;
if (!is_null($password))
$this->password = $password;
if ((is_null($this->connection_id)) or (is_null($this->password)))
exit("SMS Gateway initialization failed, credentials not provided. Please see documentation.");
public function __destruct()
$this->connection_id = null;
$this->password = null;
$this->doHTTPS = true;
$this->requestMethod = 1;
* Sets the method in which the parameters are sent to SMS Gateway
* @param int $requestMethod 1 for cURL GET (recommended and default value)
* 2 for cURL POST
* 3 for file_get_contents (recommended if you do not have PHP cURL installed)
* @return bool true if method was set or false otherwise
public function setRequestMethod($requestMethod = 1)
if (in_array($requestMethod, array(1, 2, 3))) $this->requestMethod = $requestMethod;
else return false;
return true;
* Returns the method in which the parameters are sent to SMS Gateway
* @return int
public function getRequestMethod()
return $this->requestMethod;
* Sets the protocol that will be used by SMS Gateway (HTTPS or HTTP).
* @param string $methodName POST or GET
* @return bool true if method was set or false otherwise
public function setProtocol($protocolName = "HTTPS")
$protocolName = strtoupper($protocolName);
if ($protocolName == "HTTPS") $this->doHTTPS = true;
elseif ($protocolName == "HTTP") $this->doHTTPS = false;
else return false;
return true;
* Returns the protocol that is used by SMS Gateway (HTTPS or HTTP)
* @return string GET or POST possible values
public function getProtocol()
return ($this->doHTTPS) ? "HTTPS" : "HTTP";
* Sends SMS
* @param string $receiverNumber Receiver mobile phone number. Phone numbers should be formatted as a Romanian national mobile phone number (07xyzzzzzz)
* or as an International mobile phone number (00 + Country Code + Phone Number, example 0044zzzzzzzzz).
* @param string $messageText Message of the SMS, up to 160 alphanumeric characters, or longer than 160 characters.
* @param string $senderId (Optional) Sender alphanumeric string:
* numeric - sending will be done with a shortcode (ex. 18xy, 17xy)
* - sending will be done with (use this for tests only)
* Any other preapproved alphanumeric sender assigned to your account:
* Your alphanumeric sender list:
* Your alphanumeric sender application:
* Please Note:
* sender should be used only for testing and is not recommended to be used in production. Instead, you
* should use numeric sender or your alphanumeric sender, if you have an alphanumeric sender activated with us.
* If you set an alphanumeric sender for a mobile number that is in a network where the alphanumeric sender has not
* been activated, the system will override that setting with numeric sender.
* @param int $timestampProgrammed (Optional) Should be 0 (zero) for immediate sending or other UNIX timestamp in the future for future sending
* @return int representing SMSLink Message ID on success or false on failure.
public function sendMessage($receiverNumber, $messageText, $senderId = NULL, $timestampProgrammed = 0)
$messageId = false;
$requestURL = ($this->getProtocol() == "HTTPS") ? $this->endpointHTTPS : $this->endpointHTTP;
$requestParameters = array(
"connection_id" => $this->connection_id,
"password" => $this->password,
"to" => $receiverNumber,
"message" => $messageText,
if (!is_null($senderId))
$requestParameters["sender"] = urlencode($senderId);
if (!is_null($timestampProgrammed))
if ($timestampProgrammed > 0)
$requestParameters["timestamp"] = $timestampProgrammed;
$requestResult = $this->sendRequest($requestURL, $requestParameters);
$requestResult = explode(";", $requestResult);
if ($requestResult[0] == "MESSAGE")
$requestResultVariabiles = explode(",", $requestResult[3]);
$messageId = $requestResultVariabiles[0];
return $messageId;
* Account Balance
* @return array associative array decribing national-SMS and internationa-SMS account balance
public function accountBalance()
$accountBalance = array(
"national-SMS" => 0,
"international-SMS" => 0
$requestURL = ($this->getProtocol() == "HTTPS") ? $this->endpointHTTPS : $this->endpointHTTP;
$requestParameters = array(
"connection_id" => $this->connection_id,
"password" => $this->password,
"mode" => "account-balance"
$requestResult = $this->sendRequest($requestURL, $requestParameters);
$requestResult = explode(";", $requestResult);
if ($requestResult[0] == "MESSAGE")
$requestResultVariabiles = explode(",", $requestResult[3]);
$accountBalance = array(
"national-SMS" => $requestResultVariabiles[0],
"international-SMS" => $requestResultVariabiles[1]
return $accountBalance;
* Sends Request to SMSLink
* @param string $requestURL
* @param array $requestParameters
* @return string
private function sendRequest($requestURL, $requestParameters)
$requestResult = false;
$returnedResult = "ERROR;0;Unknown error.";
$requestMethod = $this->getRequestMethod();
$logMessage = date("d-m-Y H:i:s")." - Sending Request using ";
if ($requestMethod == 1)
$logMessage = $logMessage."cURL GET";
if ($requestMethod == 2)
$logMessage = $logMessage."cURL POST";
if ($requestMethod == 3)
$logMessage = $logMessage."file_get_contents()";
$serializedParameters = http_build_query($requestParameters);
if (($requestMethod == 1) or ($requestMethod == 2))
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requestURL.(($requestMethod == 1) ? "?".$serializedParameters : ""));
$logMessage = $logMessage." to URL: [".$requestURL.(($requestMethod == 1) ? "?".$serializedParameters : "")."]";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
if ($requestMethod == 2)
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $serializedParameters);
$logMessage = $logMessage." with POST parameters: [".$serializedParameters."]";
if (strpos($requestURL, "https://") !== false)
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
$requestResult = curl_exec($ch);
$connectionErrorCode = curl_errno($ch);
$connectionErrorMessage = curl_error($ch);
$requestStatusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($connectionErrorCode == 0)
if (($requestStatusCode >= 200) and ($requestStatusCode <= 299))
$returnedResult = $requestResult;
$returnedResult = "ERROR;0;Unexpected HTTP code ".$requestStatusCode;
$returnedResult = "ERROR;0;".$connectionErrorMessage;
if ($requestMethod == 3)
$requestResult = file_get_contents($requestURL."?".$serializedParameters);
$logMessage = $logMessage." to URL: [".$requestURL."?".$serializedParameters."]";
if ($requestResult !== false)
$returnedResult = $requestResult;
$returnedResult = "ERROR;0;Connection failed using file_get_contents().";
$logMessage = $logMessage." => Request Result: [".$returnedResult."]";
$this->communicationLogs[] = $logMessage;
return $returnedResult;
* Returns the latest log message from communication log
* @return string
public function getLastLogMessage()
return $this->communicationLogs[sizeof($this->communicationLogs) - 1];
* Displays the communication log
* @return string
public function displayLogMessages()
echo "<b>Communication Log:</b><br />";
foreach ($this->communicationLogs as $key => $logMessage)
echo $logMessage."<br />";
* Usage Examples for the SMSLinkSMSGateway() class
* Initialize SMS Gateway
* Get your SMSLink / SMS Gateway Connection ID and Password from
$SMSGateway = new SMSLinkSMSGateway("MyConnectionID", "MyConnectionPassword");
* Sets the method in which the parameters are sent to SMS Gateway
* 1 for cURL GET (make sure you have PHP cURL installed) (default and recommended)
* 2 for cURL POST (make sure you have PHP cURL installed)
* 3 for file_get_contents (requires allow_url_fopen to be set to 1 in php.ini) (recommended if you do not have PHP cURL installed)
* Sets the protocol that will be used by SMS Gateway (HTTPS or HTTP).
* Display account balance before sending SMS
$accountBalance = $SMSGateway->accountBalance();
echo "My Account Balance is: ".$accountBalance["national-SMS"]." national SMS, ".$accountBalance["international-SMS"]." national SMS<br />";
* Sends SMS #1
$messageId = $SMSGateway->sendMessage("07xyzzzzzz", "My first hello world message.");
if ($messageId == false) echo "Message sent failed. Log: ".$SMSGateway->getLastLogMessage().".<br />";
else echo "Message successfully sent with ID: ".$messageId.".<br />";
* Sends SMS #2
$messageId = $SMSGateway->sendMessage("07xyzzzzzz", "My second hello world message.");
if ($messageId == false) echo "Message sent failed. Log: ".$SMSGateway->getLastLogMessage().".<br />";
else echo "Message successfully sent with ID: ".$messageId.".<br />";
* Display account balance after sending SMS
$accountBalance = $SMSGateway->accountBalance();
echo "My Account Balance is: ".$accountBalance["national-SMS"]." national SMS, ".$accountBalance["international-SMS"]." national SMS<br />";
* Display the communication log with SMSLink