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Reprezentati o companie care activeaza in domeniile marketing si publicitate, reprezentati un integrator de solutii IT&C sau sunteti consultant in aceste domenii? Beneficiati de avantajele acestui program de parteneriat pentru a putea propune solutia SMSLink clientilor dvs. (inclusiv white-label). Aflati mai multe
Solutii SMS personalizate
Aveti nevoie de o solutie pentru SMS marketing, campanii SMS, notificari SMS sau mobile advertising personalizata? Echipa noastra tehnica si comerciala va sta la dispozitie pentru a identifica specificatiile solutiei tehnice optime pentru atingerea tuturor obiectivelor propuse. Contactati-ne
Pentru a putea testa live exemplele de integrare SMS Gateway este necesar sa va creati un cont de utilizator in platforma SMSLink iar apoi in contul dvs. de utilizator sa definiti o conexiune pentru serviciul SMS Gateway.

* SMS Gateway (BULK) (Version 3) integration with
* using SMS Gateway (BULK) Version 3 Endpoint (New)
* Supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols
* (New) Supports concatenated SMS (longer than 160 characters)
* (New) Supports all Romanian networks
* (New) Supports all international networks
* (New) Supports international phone numbers formatting
* (New) Returns the remote Bulk Package ID
* System Requirements:
* PHP 5+ with
* Optional, for transmission compression the following compression libraries are needed:
* for Zlib Gzip compression PHP is required to be compiled --with-zlib[=DIR] [and/or]
* for bzip2 compression PHP is required to be compiled --with-bz2[=DIR] [and/or]
* for LZF compression PHP is required to be compiled --with-lzf[=DIR]
* Usage:
* See Usage Examples for the SMSLinkSMSGatewayBulkPackage() class starting on line 435
* Get your SMSLink / SMS Gateway Connection ID and Password from
* @version 2.1
* @updated 2021-03-04
* @see
class SMSLinkSMSGatewayBulkPackage
private $connection_id = null;
private $password = null;
private $doHTTPS = true;
private $testMode = false;
protected $endpointHTTP = "";
protected $endpointHTTPS = "";
private $temporaryDirectory = "/tmp";
public $remotePackageID = 0;
public $remoteMessageIDs = array();
public $errorMessage = "";
public $transactionTime = 0;
private $packageContents = array();
private $packageStatus = 0;
private $packageFile = array(
"contentPlain" => "",
"contentCompressed" => ""
private $packageValidation = array(
"hashMD5" => array(
"contentPlain" => "",
"contentCompressed" => ""
protected $clientVersion = "2.1";
protected $compressionMethods = array(
0 => array("CompressionID" => 0, "Compression" => "No Compression"),
1 => array("CompressionID" => 1, "Compression" => "Compression using Zlib Gzip"),
2 => array("CompressionID" => 2, "Compression" => "Compression using bzip2"),
3 => array("CompressionID" => 3, "Compression" => "Compression using LZF"),
private $compressionMethod = 1;
* Initialize SMSLink - SMS Gateway
* Initializing SMS Gateway will require the parameters $connection_id and $password. $connection_id and $password can be generated at
* after authenticated with your account credentials.
* @param string $connection_id SMSLink - SMS Gateway - Connection ID
* @param string $password SMSLink - SMS Gateway - Password
* @param bool $testMode SMSLink - SMS Gateway - Test Mode (true or false)
* @return void
public function __construct($connection_id, $password, $testMode = false)
if (!is_null($connection_id))
$this->connection_id = $connection_id;
if (!is_null($password))
$this->password = $password;
if (($testMode == true) or ($testMode == false))
$this->testMode = $testMode;
if ((is_null($this->connection_id)) or (is_null($this->password)))
exit("SMS Gateway initialization failed, credentials not provided. Please see documentation.");
public function __destruct()
$this->connection_id = null;
$this->password = null;
$this->doHTTPS = true;
* Sets the compression method to be used during sending
* @param int $compressionMethod the following values are accepted:
* 0 for No Compression (default)
* 1 for Zlib Gzip (requires PHP to be compiled --with-zlib[=DIR])
* 2 for bzip2 (requires PHP to be compiled --with-bz2[=DIR])
* 3 for LZF (requires PHP to be compiled --with-lzf[=DIR])
* @return bool true if method was set or false otherwise
public function setCompression($compressionMethod)
if ($this->packageStatus == 0)
if (array_key_exists($compressionMethod, $this->compressionMethods))
$this->compressionMethod = $compressionMethod;
return true;
return false;
private function applyCompression($contentPlain)
$contentCompressed = "";
switch ($this->compressionMethod)
case 0:
$contentCompressed = $contentPlain;
case 1:
$contentCompressed = gzcompress($contentPlain, 9);
case 2:
$contentCompressed = bzcompress($contentPlain, 9);
case 3:
$contentCompressed = lzf_compress($contentPlain);
return $contentCompressed;
private function microtimeFloat()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
* Sets the protocol that will be used by SMS Gateway (HTTPS or HTTP).
* @param string $protocolName HTTPS or HTTP
* @return bool true if method was set or false otherwise
public function setProtocol($protocolName = "HTTPS")
$protocolName = strtoupper($protocolName);
if ($protocolName == "HTTPS") $this->doHTTPS = true;
elseif ($protocolName == "HTTP") $this->doHTTPS = false;
else return false;
return true;
* Returns the protocol that is used by SMS Gateway (HTTPS or HTTP)
* @return string HTTPS or HTTP possible values
public function getProtocol()
return ($this->doHTTPS) ? "HTTPS" : "HTTP";
private function structureCharactersEncode($messageText)
$messageText = str_replace("\n", "%0A", $messageText);
$messageText = str_replace(";", "%3B", $messageText);
return $messageText;
private function cleanCharacters($messageText)
$messageText = str_replace("\t", "", $messageText); // Tab
$messageText = str_replace("\r", "", $messageText); // Carriage Return
return $messageText;
* Inserts a SMS to SMS Bulk Package
* @param int $localMessageId Local Message ID from Your System
* @param string $receiverNumber Receiver mobile phone number. Phone numbers should be formatted as a Romanian national mobile phone number (07xyzzzzzz)
* or as an International mobile phone number (00 + Country Code + Phone Number, example 0044zzzzzzzzz).
* @param string $senderId (Optional) Sender alphanumeric string:
* numeric - sending will be done with a shortcode (ex. 18xy, 17xy)
* - sending will be done with (use this for tests only)
* Any other preapproved alphanumeric sender assigned to your account:
* Your alphanumeric sender list:
* Your alphanumeric sender application:
* Please Note:
* sender should be used only for testing and is not recommended to be used in production. Instead, you
* should use numeric sender or your alphanumeric sender, if you have an alphanumeric sender activated with us.
* If you set an alphanumeric sender for a mobile number that is in a network where the alphanumeric sender has not
* been activated, the system will override that setting with numeric sender.
* @param string $messageText Message of the SMS, up to 160 alphanumeric characters, or longer than 160 characters.
* @param int $timestampProgrammed (Optional) Should be 0 (zero) for immediate sending or other UNIX timestamp in the future for future sending
* @return bool true on success or false on failure
public function insertMessage($localMessageId, $receiverNumber, $senderId, $messageText, $timestampProgrammed = 0)
if (!is_numeric($localMessageId))
return false;
$receiverNumber = str_replace("+", "00", $receiverNumber); // Converts + to 00
$receiverNumber = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $receiverNumber); // Remove all non-numeric characters
if (!is_numeric($receiverNumber))
return false;
$messageText = trim($messageText); // Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the message
$messageText = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $messageText); // Converts Carriage Return + Line Feed to Line Feed
$messageText = $this->structureCharactersEncode($messageText); // Encode structure characters
$messageText = $this->cleanCharacters($messageText); // Clean unsuported characters
$this->packageContents[] = array(
"localMessageId" => $localMessageId,
"receiverNumber" => $receiverNumber,
"senderId" => $senderId,
"messageText" => $messageText,
"timestampProgrammed" => $timestampProgrammed
return true;
* Removes a SMS from SMS Bulk Package
* @param int $localMessageId Local Message ID from Your System
* @return void
public function removeMessage($localMessageId)
foreach ($this->packageContents as $messageKey => $messageData)
if ($messageData["localMessageId"] == $localMessageId)
* Returns the Size of the SMS Bulk Package
* @return int
public function packageSize()
return sizeof($this->packageContents);
* Sends the SMS Bulk Package to SMSLink
* @return bool true on success or false on failure
public function sendPackage()
$timestampStart = $this->microtimeFloat();
$this->remoteMessageIDs = array();
$this->errorMessage = "";
if (($this->packageStatus == 0) and ($this->packageSize() > 0))
$temporaryFile = array();
foreach ($this->packageContents as $messageKey => $messageData)
$temporaryFile[] = implode(";", $messageData);
$this->packageFile["contentPlain"] = implode("\r\n", $temporaryFile);
$this->packageValidation["hashMD5"]["contentPlain"] = md5($this->packageFile["contentPlain"]);
$this->packageFile["contentCompressed"] = $this->applyCompression($this->packageFile["contentPlain"]);
$this->packageValidation["hashMD5"]["contentCompressed"] = md5($this->packageFile["contentCompressed"]);
$temporaryFilename = tempnam($this->temporaryDirectory, "sms-package-");
if ($temporaryFilename != false)
file_put_contents($temporaryFilename, $this->packageFile["contentCompressed"]);
$requestData = array(
"connection_id" => $this->connection_id,
"password" => $this->password,
"test" => ($this->testMode == true) ? 1 : 0,
"Compression" => $this->compressionMethod,
"MD5Plain" => $this->packageValidation["hashMD5"]["contentPlain"],
"MD5Compressed" => $this->packageValidation["hashMD5"]["contentCompressed"],
"SizePlain" => strlen($this->packageFile["contentPlain"]),
"SizeCompressed" => strlen($this->packageFile["contentCompressed"]),
"Timestamp" => date("U"),
"Buffering" => 1,
"Version" => $this->clientVersion,
"Receivers" => $this->packageSize(),
"Package" => "@".$temporaryFilename
$ch = curl_init((($this->doHTTPS == true) ? $this->endpointHTTPS : $this->endpointHTTP)."?timestamp=".date("U"));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
if ((version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5') >= 0))
$requestData["Package"] = new CURLFile($temporaryFilename);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestData);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0);
if ($this->doHTTPS == true)
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
$requestResponse = curl_exec($ch);
$connectionErrorCode = curl_errno($ch);
$connectionErrorMessage = curl_error($ch);
$requestStatusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($connectionErrorCode == 0)
if (($requestStatusCode >= 200) and ($requestStatusCode <= 299))
$requestResponse = explode(";", $requestResponse);
if ((is_array($requestResponse)) and (sizeof($requestResponse) >= 3))
if ($requestResponse[0] == "MESSAGE")
$this->remotePackageID = $requestResponse[3];
$messagesAssoc = explode(",", $requestResponse[4]);
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($messagesAssoc); $i++)
$temporaryMessageData = explode(":", $messagesAssoc[$i]);
$this->remoteMessageIDs[$temporaryMessageData[0]] = array(
"localMessageId" => $temporaryMessageData[0],
"remoteMessageId" => $temporaryMessageData[1],
"messageStatus" => $temporaryMessageData[2]
$this->packageStatus = 1;
$timestampEnd = $this->microtimeFloat();
$this->transactionTime = round($timestampEnd - $timestampStart, 2);
return true;
$this->errorMessage = implode(";", $requestResponse);
$this->errorMessage = "ERROR;0;Unexpected response format";
$this->errorMessage = "ERROR;0;Unexpected HTTP code ".$requestStatusCode;
$this->errorMessage = "ERROR;0;".$connectionErrorMessage;
return false;
* Usage Examples for the SMSLinkSMSGatewayBulkPackage() class
* Initialize SMS Gateway Bulk Package
* Get your SMSLink / SMS Gateway Connection ID and Password from
$BulkSMSPackage = new SMSLinkSMSGatewayBulkPackage("MyConnectionID", "MyConnectionPassword");
* Insert Messages to SMS Package
$BulkSMSPackage->insertMessage(1, "07xyzzzzzz", "numeric", "Test SMS 1");
$BulkSMSPackage->insertMessage(2, "+407xyzzzzzz", "numeric", "Test SMS 2");
$BulkSMSPackage->insertMessage(3, "00407xyzzzzzz", "numeric", "Test SMS 3");
* Send SMS Package to SMSLink
* Process Result
echo "Remote Package ID: ".$BulkSMSPackage->remotePackageID."<br />";
$statusCounters = array();
if (sizeof($BulkSMSPackage->remoteMessageIDs) > 0)
foreach ($BulkSMSPackage->remoteMessageIDs as $key => $value)
switch ($value["messageStatus"])
* Message Status: 1
* Status Description: Sender Failed
case 1:
$timestamp_send = -1;
.. do something ..
for example check the sender because is incorrect
echo "Error for Local Message ID: ".$value["localMessageId"]." (Sender Failed).<br />";
* Message Status: 2
* Status Description: Number Failed
case 2:
$timestamp_send = -2;
.. do something ..
for example check the number because is incorrect
echo "Error for Local Message ID: ".$value["localMessageId"]." (Incorrect Number).<br />";
* Message Status: 3
* Status Description: Success
case 3:
$timestamp_send = date("U");
.. do something ..
Save in database the Remote Message ID, sent in variabile: $value["RemoteMessageID"].
Delivery reports will identify your SMS using our Message ID. Data type for the
variabile should be considered to be hundred milions (example: 220000000)
echo "Succes for Local Message ID: ".
", Remote Message ID: ".
"<br />";
* Message Status: 4
* Status Description: Internal Error or Number Blacklisted
case 4:
$timestamp_send = -4;
.. do something ..
for example try again later
Internal Error may occur in the following circumstances:
(1) Number is Blacklisted (please check the Blacklist associated to your account), or
(2) An error occured at SMSLink (our technical support team is automatically notified)
echo "Error for Local Message ID: ".$value["localMessageId"]." (Internal Error or Number Blacklisted).<br />";
* Message Status: 5
* Status Description: Insufficient Credit
case 5:
$timestamp_send = -5;
.. do something ..
for example top-up the account
echo "Error for Local Message ID: ".$value["localMessageId"]." (Insufficient Credit).<br />";
echo "Error Transmitting Package to SMSLink: ".$BulkSMSPackage->errorMessage."<br />";